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Female's hand dropping cumin seeds/whole Jeera in a heated pan with cooking oil
Hands of a girl stirring sugar with spoon in a cup of black coffee
Closeup view of an Indian sweet item called rewri, revdi or sesame seeds sweet - Lohri festival
Hands spreading a lot of clarified butter on grilled sweet corn with a fork
Female's hand mixing Chana powder in a glass of cool Sattu drink - tasty food
Air-dried roasted red chilies (lal mirch) falling inside a white marble mortar pestle
Whole red chilies dropping on a heap of chili powder - tropical hot spices
Roasted red chili powder falling on a wooden table - Indian spices
Zoom out shot of beautifully plated items for Punjabi's Lohri festival in India
Tilt shot of various Lohri items beautifully plated on a wooden table - festive scene
Beautifully plated delicious Lohri items consumed during the winter season in India
Closeup shot of homemade Indian sweet called Rewri in colored bowls - Lohri festival
Closeup shot of peanuts chikki with roasted groundnuts - Lohri celebration in India