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Flexible Indian girl raising her arms parallel to the floor in Dhyana Veerasana
Young sporty girl practicing Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose) on a blue yoga mat
Young yoga professional doing back namaste in Dhyana Veerasana on a fitness mat
Young yoga professional performing different yoga poses on a blue yoga mat
Flexible Indian girl practicing Adho Mukha Svanasana and Balasana on a yoga mat
Young sporty girl performing Marjaryasana (cat pose) and Bitilasana (cow pose)
Young flexible girl practicing Urdhva Dhanurasana (wheel pose) on a blue yoga mat
Flexible Indian girl demonstrating Dhanurasana (bow pose) on a fitness mat
Indian female happily chanting Gayatri Mantra during meditation on a yoga mat
Attractive female athlete performing Halasana (plow pose) on a blue yoga mat
Attractive Indian yogini practicing Prasarita Padottanasana on a blue yoga mat
Long shot of a young graceful ballerina practicing ballet in her dance studio
Beautiful female dancer enjoying her ballet dance practice at her dance studio
Graceful Indian dancer happily practicing ballet dancing in the living room
Energetic young trainer demonstrating Zumba dance moves in her fitness studio
Slow-motion shot of a young sportswoman happily doing a Zumba dance workout
Attractive Indian sportswoman demonstrating Zumba exercises in her fitness studio
Attractive female athlete happily doing fitness dance moves in casual sportswear
Young female trainer energetically doing Zuma exercises in her fitness studio
Young female trainer energetically performing fitness dance in sports clothing
Beautiful young girl enthusiastically doing dancing exercises at a fitness studio
A beautiful young girl performing side stretches while sitting on a wooden floor
Attractive Indian sportswoman doing a stability workout on a blue exercise ball
Attractive Indian sportswoman demonstrating exercises using a gym/fitness ball
Long shot - Indian sportswoman doing strengthening exercises in fitness studio