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Cropped shot of Indian siblings celebrating the Raksha Bandhan festival together
Hands of Indian brother and sister celebrating the festival of Raksha Bandhan
Backview of an Indian couple praying together in front of different Hindu Gods
Indian siblings happily performing Raksha Bandhan traditions - festival concept
Worker's hand with rubber gloves spraying sanitizer on the female customer's hands
Worker checking the temperature of a female customer wearing a medical mask - Corona / Covid
Staff person measures the temperature of a woman and sprays sanitizer on her hands
Closeup shot - Hands of a medical worker measuring the temperature a young woman
Worker checking the temperature of the customers at the entrance of the store - Covid / Corona Scare
Hands with rubber gloves cleaning the store's door handle using a tissue paper
Female worker sanitizing the door handles while wearing a mask and rubber gloves
Worker measuring the temperature using an infrared thermometer at the entrance - Corona/Covid Scare
Flexible Indian female performing Ustrasana (camel pose) on a blue yoga mat
Young flexible girl performing Vasisthasana (side plank pose) on a fitness mat
Young girl doing Anulom Vilom pranayama (alternate nostril breathing technique)
Attractive female athlete doing Ardha Matsyendrasana or Vakrasana on a yoga mat
Young yoga professional stretching hands in Dhyana Veerasana on a fitness mat
Attractive female athlete doing Ardha Matsyendrasana (half spinal twist pose)
Flexible Indian girl raising her arms parallel to the floor in Dhyana Veerasana
Young yoga professional doing back namaste in Dhyana Veerasana on a fitness mat
Flexible Indian girl practicing Adho Mukha Svanasana and Balasana on a yoga mat
Young yoga professional performing different yoga poses on a blue yoga mat
Young sporty girl performing Marjaryasana (cat pose) and Bitilasana (cow pose)
Young flexible girl practicing Urdhva Dhanurasana (wheel pose) on a blue yoga mat
Closeup of woman hands closes the cap of a plastic bottle filled with freshwater
Woman hands placing a water bottle on a wooden platform and opening the cap
Woman hands having freshwater against the white background - healthy lifestyle
Slow-motion shot of a cropped Indian female opening a bottle of mineral water