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A girl performing "Paschimottanasana" move in a park while exercising yoga
A girl performing "up dog" yoga move in a beautiful park
Pan shot of white cloth with handmade colourful embroidery
Closeup shot of Indian women/female/girl is embroidering cross stitch on the fabric
Shot of women/female/girl is embroidering cross stitch on the fabric
Girl decorating green coloured paper dress with sketch pen - Origami
An Indian boy marking with a scale on a square patten craft paper
Overhead shot of girl's hand making an eye of a paper fish with a black sketch pen
Shot of an Indian woman folding pressed shirt of her child
Shot of a man folding a colorful sheet of craft paper into half
Drawing lines in different angles with a ruler and pencil on a cardboard
Close up shot of a boy cutting cardboard following pencil line for a craft activity
Man / boy applying glue on the piece of cardboard for a craft activity
Creative Man / boy making bird origami with an orange craft paper
Indian Man/boy writing happy birthday in a card with a blue sketch pen
Closeup shot a boy / man sticking a colourful paper to a piece of cardboard with glue
An Indian boy / man making paper art and craft of a shirt with a floral print tie
Indian women ironing colorful cotton dress on the iron table
Closeup short of a child arranging his toys / clay back in place
Closeup shot of an Indian boy/kid playing with building blocks - Naughty kid at home
Cutting an apple in half in slow motion
A young girl practicing shashankasana / the hare pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing Shitkari / Teeth hissing pranayama outside in a park
A young girl doing nadishodhana / anulom vilom / alternate nostril breathing pranayama in a park
A young girl doing ushtrasana / camel pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing purak rechak bandh pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing sheetali / sheetkari pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing bhramari / bee breathing pranayama outside in a park