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Shot of an Indian musician playing wooden guitar
Shot of an Indian singer singing a song and playing guitar
Closeup shot of drummer playing with sticks on a snare drum
Pan shot of Indian musician playing electronic keyboard instrument
Side view of a young girl practicing shashankasana / the hare pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing shashankasana / the hare pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing Shitkari / Teeth hissing pranayama outside in a park
A young girl doing nadishodhana / anulom vilom / alternate nostril breathing pranayama in a park
A young girl doing ushtrasana / camel pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing purak rechak bandh pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing sheetali / sheetkari pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing bhramari / bee breathing pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing bhastrika pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing parsvakonasana / extended side angle yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing veerbhadrasana / warrior yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing chakrasana the wheel pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing trikonasana / triangle yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing vrikshasana / tree yoga pose in a park
A young girl practicing natrajasana / lord of the dance yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing tadasana / mountain yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing Vakrasana yoga asana in a park
A young girl practicing kapalbhati (pranayama) yoga asana in a park
A young girl practicing gomukhasana / the cow face yoga asana outside in a park
Indian middle-aged businessman is measuring the weight of rice on a weighing scale - small business, honest
Closeup shot of a shopkeeper weighing rice at the scale at his shop - grocery purchase, unfair practice, cheating, consumer forum
A little girl completing her school assignment sitting at her desk - focus and concentration, hardworking, girl child education
Young bowler ready with the leather ball before the cricket practice session
Portrait of young Indian sportsman playing with a leather ball before the cricket practice session