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Close up of a man's hands cutting a green cabbage in slow motion in kitchen
Cutting an apple in half in slow motion
Hands of a woman making a peanut butter toast
A woman spreading jam on a toasted slice of bread
Timelapse of people walking on Rajpath in front of India Gate at night
Full HD slow motion video of egg falling on wheat flour
Side view of a young girl practicing shashankasana / the hare pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing shashankasana / the hare pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing Shitkari / Teeth hissing pranayama outside in a park
A young girl doing nadishodhana / anulom vilom / alternate nostril breathing pranayama in a park
A young girl doing ushtrasana / camel pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing purak rechak bandh pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing sheetali / sheetkari pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing bhramari / bee breathing pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing bhastrika pranayama outside in a park
A young girl practicing parsvakonasana / extended side angle yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing veerbhadrasana / warrior yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing chakrasana the wheel pose yoga asana outside in a park
A young girl practicing trikonasana / triangle yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing vrikshasana / tree yoga pose in a park
A young girl practicing natrajasana / lord of the dance yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing tadasana / mountain yoga pose outside in a park
A young girl practicing Vakrasana yoga asana in a park
A young girl practicing kapalbhati (pranayama) yoga asana in a park
A young girl practicing gomukhasana / the cow face yoga asana outside in a park
Mid shot of a couple sitting on chair and watching something funny on a tablet against the green screen
Full shot of a cute girl with headphones dancing against the green screen
Young man giving various expressions against the green screen