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Young girl doing Anulom Vilom pranayama (alternate nostril breathing technique)
A beautiful Buddha fountain sold at a roadside stall for sale in India - meditating Buddha statue in a market
Karnataka, Coorg, India, April/2020 - Statues of Lord Buddha in a Buddhist monastery - Ancient temple, Indian culture, sacred place, religious place
Pranayam posture - Indian male practicing Yoga Asana sitting in a green area
Tilt view of a young man meditating under a tree inside a park in the morning
Health-conscious young lady meditating while sitting in the lotus position at home
Indian girl meditating in Ardhasan (half-lotus pose) for a healthy lifestyle
Pretty Indian girl meditating in Sukhasana (easy pose) for a healthy lifestyle
Young boyfriend girlfriend meditating in Sukhasana (easy pose) for a healthy lifestyle
Cute little kid/child doing breathing exercises with closed eyes in lotus pose
Portrait of a handsome Indian teenager in casual wear relaxing and meditating