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Flexible Indian female practicing Anjaneyasana (low lunge pose) on a yoga mat
Attractive female athlete performing different yoga postures on a blue yoga mat - Health Concept
Young flexible girl practicing Hanumanasana (monkey pose) on a blue yoga mat
A young attractive female practicing yoga in sportswear on a blue yoga mat at home
Flexible Indian girl practicing Janu Sirsasana (revolved head to knee pose) on a mat
Healthy beautiful lady practicing Matsyendrasan Asana (half twist pose) on a yoga mat - sportswear
Caring Indian father helping his son while doing crunches - sports lifestyle
Indian father teaching his young son how to do pushups in a park for a healthy lifestyle
Handsome man doing push-ups with the boy on his back in casual wear - leisure time
Smiling father and young son spending the weekend together in a park - leisure concept
Young handsome kid happily playing with an orange ball - healthy and playful child
Cute Indian kid enjoying playing football in a park in casual clothing - happy childhood
Cute Indian kid in casual clothing playing with a small basketball - childhood fun
The young flexible child happily doing Chakrasana or wheel pose in a park
Young attractive woman practicing Balasana (child pose) on a yoga mat - healthy lifestyle
Healthy woman doing yoga Paschimottanasana (sitting forward bend pose) early morning before her office
Healthy beautiful lady practicing Halasana (plough pose) on a yoga mat - sportswear
Healthy Indian lady doing Hastapadasana (standing forward bend pose) while standing on mat - healthy lifestyle
Indian overweight woman pinching her belly fat with frowning gesture - weight control concept
Upset Indian woman measuring her belly fat and looking fed up - Health Issues
Indian female standing on a weight scale- Weight loss concept
Overweight Indian woman measuring her Belly fat - Obesity concept
Young woman performing yoga exercises early morning in a garden
Healthy Indian woman in sportswear doing yoga asanas - fitness concept
Pretty young lady practicing yoga on green grass with fitness mat in a park
Beautiful young woman doing yoga postures on a fitness mat in a garden - sportswear
Attractive Indian woman doing breathing exercises with closed eyes in lotus pose
Young woman in athlete wear doing asanas while sitting on a yoga mat