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An old man with grey hair and wearing eyeglasses is scrolling on his smartphone - old couple, discussion with wife, party at home
A middle-aged Gujarati lady in her forties talking on her smartphone - smiling woman, traditional dress, middle class
Father in discussion with young kids while looking at the laptop - online learning - modern technology
An elderly man in serious pain - suffering from a painful knee, talking to a friend, old age, knee injury, old age issues, old age home
A Bengali couple in discussion - paperwork, insurance papers, financial statement, property papers, release forms
Young mother in discussion with his 8 year old son - parenting, counseling, relationship and bonding
A young couple in discussion - Checking mobile in leisure time
A well-groomed young man and his elderly father drinking tea / coffee together
Indian army officer talking to his father and wife at the breakfast table - Serious discussion in Sikh family
Indian manager having a discussion on sales target and introducing his new secretary - corporate office
Middle age happy Indian couple sitting on the sofa - laughing, drinking tea, discussion about family matters
Indian teenage son and father at home - Serious discussing studies and career
Indian male colleague enters his senior cabin for office discussion
A beautiful young Indian girl using a laptop for a late-night video call - modern lifestyle, a busy schedule
Young husband-wife couple working and talking - surfing internet
An Indian couple looking at colour shade card for home painting - color palette, home decoration, color catalogue